BeautiFill® Fat Reduction in Wayne, PA

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What is BeautiFill FAT REDUCTION?

If you're struggling to eliminate fat from certain parts of the body, and diet and exercise haven't done the trick, Everest Medspa offers advanced methods to help you reduce adipose tissue in problem areas. Fat reduction is a body sculpting procedure that eliminates pockets of fat from the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks to produce a more contoured physique. This cosmetic procedure in Wayne or Havertown, PA utilizes BeautiFill technology for more natural, less invasive results. During your initial visit, Xiaobin Li, M.D. will discuss areas of your body you wish to address so you can attain your cosmetic goals.

What are the Benefits of BeautiFill Fat Reduction?

BeautiFill fat reduction offers a minimally invasive and effective solution for contouring the body and removing excess fat deposits. Utilizing advanced laser technology, BeautiFill not only eliminates unwanted fat but also stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin tightness and texture. This procedure provides patients with natural-looking results and minimal downtime, making it an attractive option for those seeking to enhance their body shape without surgery. Some of the primary benefits of BeautiFill nonsurgical fat reduction include:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Effective fat removal
  • Improves skin tightness
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Natural-looking results
  • Minimal downtime
  • Versatile applicators for various areas
  • Customizable treatment plans


How is fat reduction with BeautiFill done?
Fat reduction with BeautiFill is a minimally invasive treatment that uses laser technology to loosen and remove fat tissue from your frame. This treatment can be done on the flanks, arms, stomach, thighs, and anywhere you and Dr. Li decide to target.

Am I a good candidate for BeautiFill fat reduction?
The best candidates for laser-assisted fat reduction using BeautiFill tend to be individuals at or near a healthy weight, but who have stubborn pockets of fat they haven't been able to get rid of. Contact us for an appointment with a member of our team to learn if this option is good for you.

How long will my results last?
When fat cells are eliminated from your body, they are gone forever. Still, weight gain may cause remaining fat cells to grow in size. To ensure that results maintain longevity, you'll need to be sure to hold a consistent weight over time.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.